Thursday, March 17, 2011
Almost There
Well. Here I sit at 5:20am in the morning after 2 hours of laying in bed trying to fall back asleep from my multiple routine pee adventures during the night. I am officially just over 35 weeks pregnant and am literally counting down the days until delivery. I asked my doctor if she could induce me now and she wasn't too amused by my anxiousness. Whatever pregnant lady says she loves being pregnant, forgets about the last 7 weeks. They are literally miserable. In addition to my sleeping in sexy arm braces to help my the carpel tunnel I have developed, my ankles are the size of elephants that you can literally draw pictures in with your fingers due to my water retention. On top of that, I feel so fat that I can't bend over to put my pant legs on, roll over in bed, get off the couch, or even sit comfortably anywhere for more than 5 minutes. I know it will all be worth it in the end, but there are no words I can use to describe how absolutely ready I am.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Well I figured instead of keeping a journal of my pregnancy week by week as requested by my mother, it would be a lot easier and more fun to blog the whole experience. So yes, you guessed it we are having a baby. The wedding turned out to be a great success and as soon as the reception ended, Spencer and I were on a mission. Well maybe not so much Spencer as much as it was me, but he was on board. After speaking with my doctor many months before the wedding, I was worried that it would be very difficult for me to get pregnant being that my cycles are extremely irregular so we wanted to start trying right away.
Well, I had my mind set on something and nothing was stopping me. I was ready to be a mommy and nothing was getting in the way : ). So here we are, just about 15 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby due in April.
A lot of people asked, oh how did you tell your husband. Implying, "what cute way did you let him know he was going to be a dad". Well there was definitely nothing cute about it. I was in Atlanta for work and somehow woke up in the middle of the night with agonizing pain in my foot. I couldn't walk. Did I really manage to break my foot while sleeping? Well as the morning went on and I went through my meetings in my BCBG suit with Asics sneakers, my foot got worse and worse. Dr. Browne so kindly got me in to see one of his colleagues right away to get my foot looked at. Well from the 6 broken wrists in my past, I knew the first thing they were going to do would be an x-ray. What doesn't mix well? x-rays and potential babies. So I had the hotel car service take me to the local CVS so I could do a lovely pee test in the bathroom. This is just how I imagined it--Finding out I am pregnant in Atlanta on a work trip, in my suit with sneakers, with a broken foot, in a disgusting CVS bathroom. Lovely. As the hotel car service so kindly waited in the car for my arrival out of CVS, I purchased and peed on the stick. Now I know you are all assuming this is where I am going to get my positive result, but nope. It turned out to be a no. So off to the hospital I went to get my x-rays. I was still worried at the slight chance of me being pregnant so I had the lady cover me with a very large lead blanket as they filmed my foot.
Diagnosis on my foot: Apparently I seemed to of grown two accessory bones on the outer edge of my left foot which was causing me a bad case of tendinitis. I walked out of the office with a cortisone shot, a boot, and a bill for $600 bucks. Gotta love HSA accounts.
As soon as I got home I made a purchase for some ovulation pee-sticks. I was not letting my irregular cycle get the best of me. I was sure to have it beat with my i-period app and now the ovulation pee-sticks. So there I began my 2x a day peeing on a stick. According to the i-period I should of been ovulating, but the sticks seemed to tell me that I wasn't. So there I went peeing day and night on the ovulation sticks hoping for a sign. We are home now from the wedding/honeymoon a total of 2 weeks and I was already frustrated with this whole "trying" thing.
Now comes Monday, August 9, 2010. I was literally having the worst day at work. My moods were in full swing. I emailed Spencer, "either I am PMSing really bad, I am secreting everything bad to happen today, or I am pregnant because I am literally in the worst mood I think I have ever been in. Pregnant was obviously last on the list as I had just had the CVS pee experience 5 days earlier. I remember driving home thinking to myself that I had one pregnancy test left from the box I bought in Atlanta, and I had to pee so bad. I was almost through with a whole box of 14 ovulation tests with no success so why not just add to my misery and have another pee test give me a negative result. I ran into the house, straight to the bathroom and peed on the stick. I could tell this had become routine for Spencer as he didn't seem to be bothered by my negative attitude after the results. Well this result was different.
As I sit on the toilet awaiting the result, I watched as those lovely pink lines developed. Wait, could it be? THERE WAS 2 LINES. I started screaming. Spencer get in here, I am pregnant. As soon as he could develop any excitement, I was half way across the house barging into my mothers room to tell her the news.--oh the joys of living with mommy while your house is being built.
So there you have it, the exciting story of how we found out. As any true Italian family would do in celebration, we headed for the closest steak house for dinner. 5 days prior, a negative result. It was obviously too early to pick up. Either that or God wouldn't let me find out in a public restroom at a pharmacy in Atlanta. Thank you God. : )
Spencer is the cutest dad ever. There has yet to be a day that goes by that he hasn't asked me if I have taken my vitamins, he diligently reads his daddy books, and makes sure that anything that is put in my mouth is prior approved by him. I always get the "eye" when I pick up something not so healthy, but he knows not to mess with a hungry, pregnant, Italian girl. I think he just wants to make sure I know that he cares. He makes it a point to talk to my belly every night to make sure the baby knows how excited he is to meet her/him. Speaking of her/him. We are NOT finding out. Now I know most of you who probably know me know that I am extremely impatient when it comes to just about everything, and would assume that there would be no way I could hold out. Well, thanks to some close friends I have officially decided against finding out. There are very few surprises left in life, and nothing excited me more than making that moment that much more special with Spencer screaming out, as he catches our baby, whether we will be raising a daughter or a son. It also helps that it really annoys my brother that we aren't finding out which makes it all the more worth while.
The first sonogram is taken at our first doctor's appointment. I know it doesn't look like much, but whatever that blob is, it had a heart beat and that is all that we could of hoped for! The second sonogram was taken at about 13 weeks. Amazing how things develop in just a matter of a few weeks. My first reaction, " It has an actual head!". Although I don't think it is difficult to pick out the baby's head and eyes and noes and mouth for that matter, my grandmother seemed to see the baby from the other direction. It's OK granny, we still love you.
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